Why Smoke Free Outdoor Public Areas?
Secondhand smoke exposure outdoors can still pose health risks, especially in crowded areas where people congregate. Smoke-free outdoor areas help protect non-smokers, especially children, pregnant women, and individuals with respiratory conditions, from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Smoke-free policies help protect the quality of public spaces and natural environments. Smoke can negatively impact the experience of outdoor areas, such as parks, beaches, and outdoor seating areas. Click here about regulating tobacco use outdoors

Take Our Survey
The SOL Project is conducting a survey to learn what the community thinks about smoking in outdoor public areas (some examples of these types of places are parks, sidewalks, outdoor dining spaces, or recreational areas) Click here to share your opinions.

Smoke Free Environments
All Americans deserve to live, work, study and play in smokefree environments. Click here to see how the American Lung Association is taking steps to make sure everyone in all 50 states can enjoy clean, smokefree air.

Highland Heights' ban on smoking in public spaces to begin in September
Highland Heights will begin enforcing a ban on smoking in public spaces and places of employment next month, public health officials say. Click here to read full article.